Saturday 4 March 2017

What is best, Oracle ERP or SAP ?

What is best, Oracle ERP or SAP ?

There is no perfect answer to this question. SAP is the current market leader in enterprise software services in terms of Marker share, Oracle comes close second to SAP.Both of them have their strengths and weaknesses in some or the other parameters.Like price, ease of customization, support from vendor.
In FY 2015–16, Oracle Financial Service outperformed SAP and Oracle has far superior Supply chain planning tools than SAP.So for finance along with Supply chain Management modules, Oracle has huge advantage over SAP.Why? Because of the N number of customization options.
Oracle is a hands down winner when it comes to making changes in clients enterprise application as per their specific and dynamic requirements.When it comes to language support again Oracle is the winner, thanks to the native language support by Java, Oracle supports more than 60 languages.This is a big reason for Oracle’s success in Japan and Asia pacific area where customers have history of facing trouble working with traditional ERP which did not support their native language.The the ERP business is rapidly moving to cloud and SAP is ahead in the game. Oracle needs to catch up a bit as in the cloud space there are many players with heavyweights like
traditional On premise IT solution space the war is limited to mostly top 3 players.
Cost is an important parameter for most the companies, companies whose core competency in not IT they usually tend to spend less on IT, in that space SAP has little advantage over Oracle, but I do not have any data on how SAP prices their products but what I know from my 5 years of experience in Oracle charges more than SAP in their flagship Supply chain planning software.
In terms of market share, SAP has huge market in Europe, they have fantastic support in that region. Whereas Oracle leads Japan, APAC region and currently Oracle is pushing their products aggressively in Middle East which is a major market both ERP vendors.MENA is a market which Oracle is eyeing for long. But, it will take time to mature.On the analytics side, again Oracle has better product when it comes to Descriptive Analytics and visualizations, but it kind of lost the battle due to its late entry into the market.
In this space currently tableau is leading, check the below report.

There are a number of ERPs that exist and an enterprise can opt for any one of them, depending on their requirements. However, SAP Business One / SAP B1 has earned the top spot for Small/Medium sized Enterprises (SME) in recent times. The productivity and efficiency it offers is unparalleled among all the ERPs in the market within the given segment. It is one simple yet highly capable software incapacitating the requirements of any SME.
But, if an enterprise wants to start implementing SAP B1, there are a number of factors to be considered before doing so:
  • Size of the business
Firstly, consider the size of the existing running business. What cannot be measured cannot be improved. Before implementing SAP B1 with one’s business, the primary thing to assess is the size and scalability of the business. Larger business enterprises will have more stake holders, and there would need to be more internal communication for detailed project management. For a larger company, it will prove to be a heavy task to maintain its communication with all the sectors of the company.
  • Business Transaction Culture
Another aspect to keep in mind before choosing SAP B1 is the company’s business transaction culture it is going to be opted for. It has to be looked if the company is more of a hands on job or more like outsourcing. If the company follows a more hands on approach, it is better to implement SAP B1 – the automation process would reduce the time on implementation investment along with focusing on the on-going support processes.
  • Flexibility
The flexibility a business enterprise desires from an ERP is also an important feature to consider before implementing SAP B1. Small and medium sized enterprises are very specific about where they are spending, why they are spending and how much they are spending. However, in SAP B1, the users do not get an option to manually select a few modules they need, and leave the rest – it has to be taken as a whole.

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