Monday 16 July 2018

Sales Document

Sales Document Types—Header Level

The header of the sales document type defines the core header process of the sales order. These include the pricing procedure, the delivery types, and the billing types assigned to the sales document. We will focus on the configuration of the standard basic sales order process, which is TA, LF, F2 for now.

The transaction code here is [VOV8]. When dealing with the configuration of sales document types, generally one of two functions is performed. One either creates a new document type or wishes to alter an existing document type. It is recommended you follow a couple of basic guidelines: When creating a new document type, one should always reference the document type that suits the closest match to the one you are aiming to create. For example, should you need a new sales order document type, you should copy document type TA. Once you have copied the document type, the system copies all assigned data, such as item category and schedule line category determination and copying rules.
When wishing to alter an existing document type that is not created by you or your business, (in other words, it is still SAP standard), it is better for you to copy the document type and assign it a new name as if it were a new sales document type you were creating. Let’s say you want to change the pricing procedure determination indicator for document type TA. It would be better to copy TA and then make the changes. We will now look at the configuration settings necessary for a sales order document type. When copying or creating a new document type, one must be sure the name range selected begins with the letter Z. SAP enables the use of objects beginning with the letter Z, as it is an indicator in release upgrades not to overwrite any created data. To copy a sales document type, select the document you wish to copy . The sales document type configuration settings screen, indicates the following details. The document type is OR; its description is “Standard order.” If copied, change the name to ZZOR or something similar. The document category is C, meaning a sales order document type, rather than a quote, or item proposal, etc. The sales document is not blocked for processing. 

The internal number range interval is 01.
The external number range interval is 02.

The items in the sales order increase in increments of 10; the sub items increase in intervals of 1(as the field is blank).The document does not have a mandatory reference before an order can be created, such as “reference to a quotation is mandatory.” The division of the material or item is copied into the sales order. There is no check to see if this division is equal to the header division. The probability of this order being completed and fulfilled is 100 percent. The system must read the customer material info record, if one exists. The credit limit check is set at D, which means automatic processing using credit group 01, being the group assigned to sales orders. he system must not check the purchase order number. The output application is assigned for sales.The commitment date is not checked. The commitment date will be recalculated if changes are made to the material, quantity, requested delivery date, or delivery time. The availability check will be covered later in this chapter. 
The screen sequence group controls the way data is displayed, and in what sequence. Whilst the display criteria determines what items in the sales order are displayed, example all items or only header items. The in completion procedure at sales document header is 11. See in completion procedures The function code for overview screens is the function code which determines what data and layout you see in the sales order. The transaction group determines what indices must be updated with reference to this sales order. Quotation messages and contract messages are set with a indicator B, as quotations and contracts and master contracts are the three preceding key document types, you may want the system to give you a warning if you are creating a order whilst for example open quotations still exist. This setting “B’’ checks to see if the item is available on any other quotations or contracts for this sold to party. The document pricing procedure is “A” this indicator plus the indicator on the customer master and the relevant sales area determine which pricing procedure to use. Status profile is used to assign a status profile to the particular document type it is also assigned at item category level. Message master contract check to determine if any master contracts exist whilst you are creating a document type “contract.” Product attribute messages—the system can error or warn to check manually entered products for the attributes to see if the ship to party accepts them. In the cases automatic material entry such as, material determination this check is ignored.With the incomplete messages indicator as blank—the system will inform you at the time of saving that the document is incomplete however you will still be able to save the document.The scheduling agreement area.The usage field is used to indicate what the customer uses the material for on the sales order. This entry will be copied into all items or may be placed into items individually in the sales order. The planning schedule is used for scheduling agreements in case the system should use just-in time (JIT) processing or forward the demands on to material requirements planning (MRP). If a delivery block must be automatically set for scheduling agreements, a blank entry indicates no delivery block. By referring to the shipping screen.The standard shipping screen indicates that this document type is relevant for delivery, and the delivery type to be used is LF. No automatic delivery block is entered in the sales order. The shipping conditions are proposed by the customer master record. Should an entry have existed in this field, this entry would have taken precedence and overwritten those found on the customer master record. The shipping condition value is used to determine the shipping point.The immediate delivery indicator is not set. If this flag is set it creates a delivery in an immediate update after saving the sales order. Thus, if set for each sales order you create, the delivery is created and a delivery number is allocated as well. The delivery is not completed and the picking, packing (if relevant), and goods issue must still be carried out.

The billing section of the sales document type: This document is relevant for invoicing, and for delivery-related invoicing, the system uses invoice document type F2. If an order-related invoice is possible, the system will use document type F2 as well. It is not recommended, however, to use both order-related and delivery-related invoicing for the same sales order document type, as this may cause confusion with the people using the system later. The Inter-company billing document type is IV. There is no automatic posting of a billing block on the sales order, but it may be necessary to have a billing block for credit notes, which we will look at later. The Condition Type for line items, for example, EK02, must be equal to the one allocated on your pricing procedure and must have the indicator on the condition type of Q . This condition is used to determine the cost of the line item. The Billing plan type is either periodic billing, in which the entire value is billed in full on each
billing plan date, or milestone billing, in which the total value to be billed is distributed between the individual billing plan dates (the value billed on each date can be a fixed amount or a percentage).The Payment guarantee procedure indicator on the customer master record indicates to the system which form of guarantee procedure to use for this sales document. These are risk management settings. For more information, see the section on credit management in Chapter 4.The Payment card plan type is an essential setting, should you want your system to accept payment cards in the sales order process. The Checking group is used to determine how the system carries out the checking of payment card data.

you can see the settings that affect the picking, pricing, and delivery dates: The Lead time in days is the proposal of what the requested delivery date in the sales order should be. It is recommended that this be left as a zero in most instances. The indicator, Propose delivery date, is set to propose the current date as the delivery date. You should choose one of the two settings. The Date type enables the user to set the format of the delivery schedule line date for internal system use. It may be left empty. The Proposal for pricing date enables you to specify the valid from date for the pricing of the reference document, the requested delivery date, or the current date. The Propose valid from date enables you to determine when the valid from date for pricing should be. This is used for example in quotations. Pricing procedure conditions at the header level (PricProCondHeadr) refers to contract conditions. (Contracts will be covered later in this chapter.) Pricing procedure conditions at item level (PricProcCondItem) refers to contract conditions. Contract profile is a default setting that will propose defaults for the contract you are creating, such as validity dates. (Contract profiles will be covered later in this chapter.) Billing request is associated with contracts. Reference procedure is used for master contracts to determine which data is to be copied or proposed for lower level contracts. The referencing procedures are configured with master contracts later in this chapter.

The Contract data allowed field controls what data is to be copied over contract item data from header contract data. Don’t forget, if you do not want contract data for this sales document type, leave the field blank. The Follow-up activity type is used to initiate and assist in the speedy creation of a sales activity work list, such as a follow-up phone call or sales letter. A subsequent order type is assigned here, should you define a follow-up action for the contract. For example, if you wish your contract to create a quotation one week before the contract end date, you would specify what type of quotation document type (such as AG) that would be. The Check partner authority field is used by the system to check the partner type creating a release order against the contract. Only those partners with the partner function AG (sold-to party) or AA (sold-to party for release orders) or higher level partners in a hierarchy are allowed to create release orders. The Update lower level contracts field is used by the system to update lower level contracts if you are changing the master contract. These changes are then passed down to the lower level contracts via workflow. Should this field not be set, the system will only update the lower level contract when it is reprocessed.
The Assignment of Sales Areas to Sales Documents
There may be a need to assign sales documents to specific sales areas. For example, a different sales document is used for all sales orders from a specific sales organization.
Menu Path
The path here is IMG, Sales and distribution, Sales, Sales documents, Sales document header,
Assign sales area to sales document types.
Transaction Code
The code here is [OVAZ]. You may assign reference sales organizations as well as reference
distribution channels and divisions. Do not confuse this referencing with the assignment of common distribution channels and common divisions. The referencing done here is only used by the system to determine which sales documents are permitted for which sales areas. If all sales document types can be used by all sales areas, leave the assignment fields blank.
Create Order Reasons for Sales Documents
You can create the reasons as to why a customer is purchasing or using a sales document. This is helpful in determining the trigger that creates the sales order. The order reason can be a “sales call” or a “good price,’’ while processing returns can be due to “poor quality” or “material ruined.”
Menu Path
The path here is IMG, Sales and distribution, Sales, Sales documents, Sales document header,
Define order reasons.
Transaction Code
The code here is [OVAU]. You create the order reasons for the business, the standard sales order cycle, the returns cycle, and any other sales process you may need. The order reason can be used for the logistics information system (LIS); thus, you can report on or use this field in a matrix for sales information.

TIP: Should the order reason be a crucial field for your reporting, you can
assign it to an incompletion log for the particular sales order. That way, no
sales order can be saved or further processed until the order reason has
been filled. Incompletion logs will be covered further in Chapter 4.